Monday, October 03, 2005

More on Miers: conservatives ain't happy with Bush

Kevin Drum has a great post giving a quick survey of reactions from right wing pundits on the Miers nomination. The post is a must read. I am going to reprint some of it here and add my comments. Drum's post has links to the pundits' statements, so if you want those links, you have to go to Drum's post. With that in mind, here are some of the reactions.

John Podhoretz: I think this was a pick made out of droit de seigneur — an "I am the president and this is what I want" arrogance.

COMMENT: Where have you been the last five years? Damn near every decision Bush has made falls within this category.

Peter Robinson: What people see in this is the Bush of the first debate, the Bad Bush, the peevish rich boy who expects to get his way because it's his way.

COMMENT: You must have been with Podhoretz. The only time there was a Good Bush was in the immediate aftermath of 9-11.

David Frum: The record shows I fear that the president's judgment has always been at its worst on personnel matters.

COMMENT: Frum just might be right--as long as he includes Rumskull, Wolfowitless, Fieth, Bolton, Rice, Perle, Ashcroft, Gonzales, Mike Brown, etc.

In A possible reason why it took so long for some conservatives to become disenchanted with Bush, I noted that some conservatives have been raising concerns and complaints about the Bush administration since before the election. One person I mentioned was...

Andrew Sullivan: Boy, does this pick remind us of who GWB is: about as arrogant a person as anyone who has ever held his office. Now the base knows how the rest of us have felt for close to five years.

I can't add much to that, but one other person quoted by Drum can.

Stephen Bainbridge: I got a lot of criticism for saying that George Bush was pissing away the conservative moment via his Iraq policies....With this appointment, I'd echo Andrew's sentiment with something a tad more off color: Bush is now peeing on the movement.


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