Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Iraq: Four years and counting

In looking at the totality of the Iraq war (the march to war, the case for war, the "reasons" for the war, the lack of planning for the aftermath, the effects the war has had on this country, the effects on the war on terror, the way the Iraq war has been managed, and on and on), my opinion can be stated in one simple phrase. Before stating that phrase, I want to make two things clear. First, the target of my scorn is the Bush administration and Congress (and that includes all the Democrats who were spineless and/or complicit regarding the war). Thanks to the stupidity and incompetence of those folks, our military has been put in a damn near impossible situation. Secondly, although I don't always temper my language, I try to keep from spewing cuss words even though I often want to use them. However, there are times when use of such language is needed to fully convey context and meaning. This is one of those times.

So with that in mind, here is what I think about the Iraq war as it heads into year #5:
Dumbest fucking thing this country has done in my lifetime, and possibly in our entire history.


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