Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A Hillary prediction

Wow...been a while, huh? I'll give an explanation regarding my very extended blogging break, but for now, I offer a prediction about Hillary.

A while back I told my sister that within two weeks Hillary would lose it and say something blatantly racist as to why she should be the nominee. Well, I was partially wrong--it happened the very next day when she mentioned the "trend" of white, non-college graduates voting for her instead of Obama. In other words, she said that blue collar white people would not vote for a black man. And don't even try to spin it any other way.

In light of the substantive correctness of my previous prediction, I will make another...

On June 3, Obama obtained enough delegates to put him past the magic number for securing the nomination. And so far, Hillary has flatly refused to concede defeat. My prediction is that not only will she never concede before the Dem convention but that she will lose it and throw a public tantrum. She is going to be set to make a public speech and talk about the party unifying behind Obama, but she simply will not be capable of uttering those words. Instead she will snap and launch into a tirade the likes of which we have never seen.

UPDATE (June 5): Looks like we might know the outcome on Saturday, as Hillary has scheduled a speech for then, according to this announcement.


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