Friday, January 25, 2008

A potential problem for Hillary?

This is just too good...

To be fair, this might amount to nothing, but then again, it might be a case of "where there's smoke..."

Recently Hillary has been attacking Obama for his association with a guy named Rezko in Chicago. For more on this story, go here and here. Rezko has given lots of money to Obama's campaigns in the past, and was part of a sweet real estate deal on Obama's house in Chicago. Obama did return a lot of money that appeared tied directly or indirectly to Rezko. By most accounts, there is not anything illegal regarding this relationship, but it is definitely fair game and should be investigated. But that's not the point here.

The point is twofold. First, Hillary has really been ripping into Obama about this issue. Second, this morning on an appearance on the Today show, Matt Lauer asked Hillary about this picture:

That's Rezko in the center. The photo is undated, and no one has disclosed any details about it, but it appears to have been taken during Bill's Presidency.

Hillary told Lauer
I don't know the man. I wouldn’t know him if he walked in the door. I don’t have a 17 year relationship with him. There's a big difference between standing somewhere taking a picture with someone you don't know and haven't seen since, and having a relationship that the newspapers in Chicago have been exploring.
The official campaign response is here. Notice that instead of focusing on any possible explanation or clarification of the photo, almost the entire response is about Obama's relationship to Rezko. Typical Hillary--instead of answering questions about her own record, she attacks her opponent. And by the way, I reiterate that that is part of the Bush SOP.

Like I said, there might be nothing to this.

But it sure is damn funny.


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