Tuesday, November 25, 2008

...and now for the Democrats.

Here are my basic messages to Democrats:
  • Don't get cocky.
  • Don't seek revenge.
  • Don't expect wholesale changes in policy.
I will update this post with details later today...

And here we go...

Let's start with the first message. Yes, Democrats scored definite victories in the 2006 and 2008 elections. First, we regained majorities in both houses of Congress in 2006. Then in 2008, we increased those majorities AND won the White House. However, the majorities in Congress still are not large enough that Democrats can do whatever they want. More to the point, Democrats are still going to have to get some Republicans to work with them, especially in the Senate. Also, those majorities could be reduced or eliminated in 2-4 years. Now that Democrats basically have control of the federal government, they had better produce some positive results. Failure to do so could very well lead to a change in the elections in 2010 and 2012.

Keep in mind also that while Obama won a decisive victory, it was by no means a landslide, and in more than a few states he won, the margin was very close. What this means for Democrats is that while there might be a mandate of sorts, it is not so great that Democrats can now simply do whatever they want without regard to the Republicans, which leads to the second and third messages.

My basis for the second and third admonitions can be found in Post-election lessons for Republicans. In that post, I wrote the following:
The foundation of (Obama's) campaign was "change." And as I have explained time and time again to people, the "change" he was talking about did not address policy (and Democrats need to remember that I said that). The "change" he was talking about from the start was a change in the process and procedure. The change he was talking about was changing all the bullshit that has been going on under Republican rule (and that included some same type of behavior by Democrats--remember that I said that). The change he was talking about was trying to get both sides to work in a way where actual meaningful discourse would occur which could lead to things getting done. The change he was talking about was trying to get Democrats and Republicans to have some respect for each other and try to work together.
This means that seeking revenge on Republicans for all the bullshit of the last eight years is not an option. See, that is not part of the President-elect's plan. Moreover, seeking revenge would be a continuation of the "party first, country second" crap that has been the SOP for at least the last ten years. As I tried to explain in Post-election lessons for Republicans, the prospect of changing that SOP was what really put Obama over the top, and a failure by Democrats to at least attempt such change will not set well with voters. Furthermore, such a failure will result in another failure, namely actually getting things done (which, again, could lead to Democrats losing power in 2010 and 2012).

And now for the third message...Obama did campaign in part on policy differences between the past eight years and his objectives, but I reiterate that policy was not the basis of his campaign. Policy was not what really resonated with voters. The change in the process and procedure was the basis of his campaign and why (in my opinion) he won. Given that his main objective appears to be (and more on that in upcoming posts) such a change, wholesale policy change is not likely. The only way to undertake such big policy change would be to completely disregard and marginalize Republicans, and that apparently is not part of Obama's agenda. Also, as mentioned, the size of the Democratic majorities in Congress and the lack of a definitive mandate make such disregard and marginalization not possible as a practical manner. Consequently, Democrats, don't think that suddenly everything is going to change on the policy front.

And that is another lesson Republicans need to keep in mind, as will be explained in a subsequent post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WCharles, I like to give you little jabs often, but I have to say I do appreciate your comments in these recent posts. I have seen sore losers and antagonistic winners. Those attitudes will get us no where.

11/26/2008 8:14 AM  
Blogger WCharles said...

Thanks, Ray. I'm going to go a few steps further in my next post, and I just might upset everybody.

11/26/2008 11:04 AM  

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