Wednesday, April 06, 2005

So much for a blogging break...

I took a week off from all blogging activity, and I feel like I am way behind. I am working on several topics at the moment, and within the next week I hope to have them posted. For my oh so many readers, here is a preview.
  • Lebanon
Syria--under considerable pressure from the U.S.--is now withdrawing its military from Lebanon. This could end up being a lesson in "Be careful what you ask for." There are signs that this action could create significant instability in Lebanon and the region. There are also signs that Hezbollah, whose sworn enemies are Israel and the U.S., could end up controlling Lebanon.
  • Intelligence reviews and WMD in Iraq
Now we have yet another commission report about the prewar intelligence on WMD. However, once again, there has been no investigation into the politicization of the intelligence. As I have shown in several previous posts, the prewar intelligence contained plenty of information indicating that Iraq had no WMD or operational WMD programs. Every commission which has reported on the prewar intelligence either expressly declined to investigate the politicization issue or was not authorized to address the issue. A key element to this matter is the Office of Special Plans, the separate intelligence shop established by the Pentagon. The OSP is not even mentioned in this latest report--or the Senate report. Also, there is some question as to the role the Office of the Vice President played in this process, and yet neither report addresses this issue in any way.
  • The Bug Man
Tom DeLay is on the verge of officially becoming the biggest asshole in the history of American politics. It has now been revealed that he took yet another overseas trip (this is #3) that was paid for by lobbyists--and that is illegal. And now we find out that DeLay's national PAC has paid $500,000 to his wife and daughter. And then there is his sanctimonious, self-serving conduct in the Terry Schiavo matter and his subsequent comments about the judiciary. What a neat guy.


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